Our services.

  • Loan Modifications

    Your current loan terms don't have to be set in stone. We work with you and your lender to negotiate changes that can make your mortgage more affordable. A lowered interest rate, extended loan term, or even a reduction in the principal balance – we'll explore all these possibilities and more.

  • Refinancing

    Is there a better mortgage out there for you? We'll find out. Our team can help you refinance your existing mortgage, securing a lower interest rate or better terms that could reduce your monthly payments.

  • Short Sales

    When your property's value is less than your mortgage balance, a short sale can be a viable exit strategy. We'll handle negotiations with your lender to accept less than the full amount owed, helping you avoid the severe credit impact of a foreclosure.

  • Selling Your Home

    If you're considering selling your home to avoid foreclosure, we can guide you through the process. We'll strategize the best approach, market your property effectively, and work to secure the best possible price to cover your debts and, if possible, leave you with a surplus.

  • Legal Advice

    Foreclosure involves a complex web of legalities, but don't worry – we've got your back. Our team includes experienced real estate attorneys who can provide advice and guidance, ensuring you understand your rights and options throughout the foreclosure process.